
Llantwit Major RFC | Under 14s 55 - 19 Old Penarthians RFC | Under 14s
Liam Davies
Try 2
Tyler Lee
Try 3
Eli Hickman
Conversion 3
Dylan Rees
Conversion 2
Try 1
Bayley Hillberg
Try 3

Match Report
17 October 2022 / Team News

U14's come out on top in Vale Derby

Llantwit Major U14’s took the spoils from the Vale derby with Old Penarthians on another glorious Sunday morning but the victory was marred by another injury that’ll see Joel Butcher miss some time after suffering a broken finger.

A Bayley Hillberg hat-trick combined with 2 Liam Davies tries helped the home side build a 31-7 lead before a 2nd half hat-trick this time for Tyler Lee and a Dylan Rees try accounted for the points scored by the home team in 55-19 encounter. However, the score line flatters Llantwit Major and had Old Pens taken advantage of their opportunities at the start of the second half the match could have taken another direction.

The first half was initially very scrappy with both teams finding it difficult to settle into the game and forfeiting possession through handling errors. It was Llantwit who struck first with Hillberg running in a well worked try. This was followed by an exchange of tries and the game begun to open up with both teams opting to run the ball at every opportunity. With defences being stretched Old Pens showed incredible resilience with some last-ditch tackles preventing almost certain tries that could have led to the first half deficit being a larger margin than 17 points.  

Despite a 24-7 deficit at the half Old Pens dominated the first 10 minutes of the second half but just couldn’t take advantage of their territorial dominance and a sucker punch try handed Llantwit a much-needed respite from defensive duties. To their credit Old Pens did hit back with a converted try but an error from the resulting kick off allowed Llantwit the opportunity to pressure the Old Pens line again. With bodies tiring and space becoming more prevalent Llantwit scored 3 more tries before the visitors got their just rewards with the final try of the game. Another entertaining game for the fans with our Under 14’s now hoping for better luck on the injury front as they look to build their small playing squad.

As always we’d like to thank our sponsors, Hickman Flooring, Farnham’s, Gilvear, Pier Consulting and Run-Dance-Music.

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